Frequency-intensity characteristics of cricket cercal interneurons: broadband
G. I. Rozhkova (1), V. Y. Vedenina (1), G. Kamper (2)
1) Institute for Problems in Information Transmission, Russian Academy of Sciences,
B. Karetnyi per. 19, 10447 Moscow, Russia
2) Abteilung Vergleichende Neurobiologie, Universitat Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany e-mail: Fax: +49-731-5022629
The bilateral pairs of cercal interneurons 10-2a and 10-3a in the cricket terminal
ganglion are supposed to constitute a functional system for measuring the direction of
air-borne signals, based on their phase-locked responses and selective directional
sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the frequency and
intensity characteristics and thus the potential working range of this system. By
recording intracellularly from the axons of the interneurons we measured responses for
stimuli of varying frequency, intensity, and direction. Typically, the stimulus frequency
range examined extended from 5 to 600 Hz, at intensities of 0.03-30 mm sm1 (peak-to-peak
air-particle velocity). The results show that interneurons 10-2a and 10-3a preserved their
level of activity, response type, and direction tuning in the whole frequency range
tested. Stimulus-response cross-correlograms revealed that spike trains were synchronized
with stimulus waves at even higher frequencies, at least up to 1000 Hz. At a given
air-particle velocity in the range of about 2-2.5 logarithmic units, the spike number
responses of the interneurons were nearly constant over a wide frequency range.
Directional diagrams appeared to be independent of stimulus frequency, both in orientation
and in amplitude.
Sensory system · Neural filter · Frequency tuning · Low-frequency sound · Acheta